Components Toggle details

    • Accuphase E-800
    Integrated amp.
    • Accuphase DAC-60
    DAC card used in the E-800.
    • Innous Statement NG
    The Statement is used as a ROON Core and also serves the dCS Vivaldi in my main system.  The ethernet connection between the two systems is hard-wired and passes through an Innuos PhoenixNet switch.
    • Innuos PhoenixNET
    Ethernet switch.
    • Kubala-Sosna Research Elation!
    Speaker cables.
    • Kubala-Sosna Research Sensation
    USB cable for the connection between the Statement and the DAC-60 card.
    • Aerial Acoustics Model 6
    I plan to swap out this speaker early next year with a Sonus Faber or Wilson.
    • Torus Power RM 15
    Isolation transformer; surge protection.
    • Kimber Kable PK10 Palladian
    Power cords for the E-800 and the Statement.
    • Kimber Kable PK10
    Power cord from wall outlet to the isolation transformer.
    • Transparent Audio Ethernet Cable

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