
Not the highest end system, but can definitely rock out - as well as present pretty convincing soundstage, vocals, imaging and instruments. Configuration subject to change as whims and budget allow.

Components Toggle details

    • Cary Audio DAC-200ts
    Upscaling DAC with optional tube output
    • Bottlehead Tube Repro
    Direct-head outboard amplifier
    • McIntosh MC2300
    SS amp
    • Cary Audio CAD 120S MKII
    Tube amplifier
    • JBL L100 Classic 75s
    MC2300 for bass
    CAD 120S MKII for mids / highs
    • McIntosh C41
    SS preamp
    • Cocktail Audio X50D
    Streamer / CD ripper
    • Denon DVD2900
    CD/DVD player
    • Otari MX-5050 BII-2
    2-channel, 2-track 1/4" reel to reel
    Modified for direct-head output
    • Nakamichi Dragon
    Cassette deck, fully restored
    • Teac X-1000r
    2-channel, 4-track 1/4 reel to reel
    • AC Infinty rack mount exhaust fan
    Keeps the Bottlehead cool
    • Nakamichi CR-7A
    cassette deck, fully restored
    • Tascam LA-40 MKIII
    4-channel bi-rection line level converter. For the balanced ins and outs on the Otari R2R.
    • dbx 228
    Dynamic range expander / noise reduction
    • Tascam DA-20 MKII
    DAT deck
    • dbx 200 XG
    Program route selector
    • Furman Elite 15 PFi
    • Pyle PDU power strip surge protector (x2)
    rack mounted power strip

Comments 11

@dnaupgrade - Yes, I'm a Deadhead from way back, good call. Thank you for you nice comments!


Nakamichi Dragon!!!  Do you listen to Grateful Dead bootleg tapes on this system by chance?  Your setup is a work of art. Well played.


Yeah, everything is hooked up thru the C41 and is fed to the two amps. The only 2 items in the picture that aren't hooked up are the Parasound P5 and the AVA Comparator ABX Switch on the bottom of the middle rack.


Serious equipment collection you have in your rack. Is it all hooked up in through the preamp for use?


Couldn't agree more re: Paul at Bottlehead. A nice guy and outstanding service. He fixed a prior tech's mistakes for free, as long as I promised never to have my amp serviced by the prior guy again!



I enjoyed seeing your system, but it made me want to mention the fine amplifier I purchased from Paul Birkeland, the designer and builder for Bottlehead. I bought an SET 3C24 amp from him, and while I liked it a great deal, I was having problems dealing with the combination of tubes that were in it. 

That was most likely my own fault, having  been a fairly recent recruit into using tube equipment (that being mostly the fault of the great Art Dudley). Paul then had me bring the amp back to him (he lives just a hundred miles or so from me), and he converted the amp into using SET 812 output tubes, which have been a Godsend to me and my system.

The amp drives my 150 liter Tannoy HPD 315's with aplomb, and  now with over 50 years in this great hobby, my system sounds the best it ever has. Paul has been great to deal with, and the amp hasn't given me a single problem since I got it back from him over a year ago now. 

I just love that!

Dan, Whidbey Island, WA


Thanks guys, it's a labor of love. Somedays I consider selling most of it off and starting over without the analog stuff, but I'm just not ready. I still enjoy it too much still - even though I'll be cleaning all the tape transports later today. Just gotta do it. 

Oldschool - you're right the L100s and McIntosh is a great match, that MC2600 you had is a beast!

toicat - thanks you - sitting there listening is my Happy Place!


Nice system!!  I love your R2Rs. 

I purchased a Teac X-10R in 1981 while stationed in Germany.  I love the sound of tape, when used with my dbx 224.  Some years ago, I paired L100s with an MC2600 and C31v.  That combo never came close to breaking a sweat pushing the L100s.  I sold my Mcintosh gear and gave the L100s to my nephew along with a NAD 7140 receiver.  The 7140/L100 combo sounds really nice!!


Yes sir, that’s a great rig. It’s all about gathering the gear that gives the individual the most sonic satisfaction. Thanks for posting!


Thanks! I know what you mean about the Nak decks, I have a few more upstairs in my office system. I'm just starting to go through and upgrade the power cords on my source components and preamp. Ever evolving.


Nice setup!  I have a soft spot for the Nakamichi Dragon and CR-7A.  My first real system was a Nakamichi TA-2A and CR-1A and some Polk Monitor 7s.  I still have the Polks and they still sound pretty good.


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