
Magnepan 3.6r's are actively bi-amped with the Marchand XM44 using Coda 15.5 on the high channels, and one of the Hypex Apollon NCx500 on the bass panels. 

The 3.6r's internal crossover network (from midrange to ribbon tweeters) has been updated with Sonicaps and Solen aircore inductors using stock values, and completely rewired with Neotech solid core OCC wire direct soldered to all drivers and Cardas binding posts.  Mye stands add rigiidity and Gaia II carpet spiked feet finish absorb vibrations and provide improvements in clarity.


Room Details

Dimensions: 19’ × 11’  Medium
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • Antipodes Audio K50
    Music server and player
    • Coda 15.5+
    100 watts of class A, and it doesn't get hot- what's not to like?
    • Weiss Engineering DAC501
    Do I care that this unit uses sheet metal instead of a slab of aluminum? No. :)
    • Prima Luna EVO 400 preamplifier
    Got some tubes for the first time in my life
    • Magnepan MG-3.6r
    Completely rewired with Neotech OCC- Cardas Binding posts - internal crossovers upgraded with Sonic caps and Solen aircore inductors
    Gaia II feet
    • Acoustic Zen Silver Reference II XLR
    • Nordost Tyr 2 XLR
    from DAC to preamp
    • Acoustic Zen Absolute XLR
    • Silversmith Audio Fidelium
    2 sets of speaker cables
    • SOtM dCBL-CAT7 Lan Cable
    • Jorma Audio digital 110 XLR
    • AudioQuest Hurricane HC
    Trying it in a few different spots- on the Coda currently
    • Zavfino OCC Silver Dart
    power cords
    • DR Acoustics Cassandra
    Power cord
    • Marchand Electronics XM-44
    • Apollon Audio NCx500
    Sonic Imagery 994 op amps
    • Primacoustic london 10
    absorption panels
    • Puritan Audio Labs psm156
    Ultimate cord to wall
    • Puritan Audio Labs Ground master
    • Primacoustic cumulus
    corner bass traps
    • Live Vibe (Star Sound) Sistrum SP-1
    • Live Vibe Audio Rhythm jr platform
    • UpTone Audio etherregen
    Fed from Cisco 2960 using cat7
    Powered by Plixir BDC connected using Audio Sensibility DC cable - 
    SOtM dcbl cat 7  from this to Antipodes
    • Plixir Elite BDC
    powering the Etherregen
    • DIY N-11 quadratic residue diffuser N-11 Quadratic diffuser
    4 -4'x2' Front wall quadratic diffusers
    This has a dramatic effect on soundstage- placement of images
    • Furutech GTX-D NCF(R)
    • IsoAcoustics Gaia II
    • Acoustic Zen Absolute speaker cables
    • Acoustic Zen Satori II
    • Solid Tech Reference Rack
    • IsoAcoustics OREA
    • stressless listening chair

Comments 17

Beautiful system and setup. Nicely done!


Your successful use of a large dipole planar loudspeaker in a narrow (11') room proves the notion that dipole speakers can be placed very close to side walls with no penalty paid in sound quality. Dipole speakers create front and rear wavefronts that are opposite in polarity; when those opposite polarity wavefronts meet on either side of the planar panel, the result is a null (+180 plus -180 = 0) on each side.

What dipole planars DO require though is "enough" distance between them and the wall behind them. 3' is often cited as sufficient, but imo 5' is more like it. Your room's 19' length is ideal for Maggies and other planar dipoles. Nice!


Thanks @wsrrsw- I have done so much this year and there is still so much on my to do list! But the journey is just as enjoyable as the destination.


Great room‼️Must sound amazing.


Also @jaytor Stressless do make "couches" or sofas in the form of 3 individual recliners joined together if you are looking for more than one seat- Check out the Buckingham- might be exactly what you are looking for.


Thanks guys! I am getting closer to the finish line. 

@jaytor I love the stressless chairs for long term listening comfort. I don't know another chair/ottoman I can sit in for 10 hours and have no pressure points, poor posture symptoms or other issues- my body is sensitive to poor ergonomics. The one downfall where some would reject it is this adjustable headrest in the top position can reflect some sound, but the difference is a minor compared to the enjoyment of having siestas in the chair, where the headrest is a necessity. The laptop swing table is an added bonus which keeps my head and neck muscles in a proper position and enables me to listen in the sweet spot and type posts with no resulting adverse health effects. :) 


Good amounts of time and care went into that setup! It really shows. Bet it sounds wonderful!


Really nice setup. I've also been a fan of Maggies over the years, having owned several pairs starting in the late 70's. Quadratic residue diffusers behind the speakers works really well with dipoles. Nice to see a setup with enough distance behind the speakers. 

I'm thinking of replacing my couch with a few Stressless recliners. Are you happy with yours?


Very nice set up and attention to room. Glad to hear you also like the Silversmith Fidelium and Coda matchup.


Must sound great!

My clue? Skull pyramid. 




Enjoying the $#@^ out of this digital front end. Amazing how much musical information is now retrieved with streaming, and it is so smooth and organic 10 hour sessions are frequent. A whole world of undiscovered music to enjoy.


@kevemaher The quadratic N-11 diffusers I made myself, and they are in front of me, on the front wall, and the speakers are in fact pointed in the right direction- towards the listener. Diffusion on the front wall and absorption on the back wall with Magneplanars. :)


@dtorc I'll get around to it one of these days!


I like that you have Real Traps diffusers I have then also, behind the listening position.
Can you explain why you have the speaker panels pointed away from the listener?


Love to see more! It looks intriguing. How about some more images, and a description of your equipment? I'm interested...


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