
This is the best sounding HI FI per dollar anywhere on the planet.  It's a blue collar high end audiophile wonder.  And I'm the fastest old guy on a bicycle.  Pretty sure anyhow.

Room Details

Dimensions: 20’ × 27’  X large
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • Schitt Saga preamp
    It's a preamp
    • Music Hall 2.3 turntable modded
    Moved motor to a sub plinth....added a pound of lead to platter edge
    • Audiosource Inc. Amp 3 two of them
    Bi amped.  Bridged 400 watts per
    • Eversolo DMP A8
    • Ortofon 2M Black
    phono cartridge
    • Magnepan LRS
    • Sony Core subwoofers .....two of them
    100 watt 8 inch subs with the LRSs bolted to them as basses.  I guess they are sub bass bases.  Great idea of mine.  I'm so creative.
    • Fosi Audio DAC- 05
    The cheapest piece of crap DAC headphone amp but works just fine.
    • Project Tube Box S
    phono stage
    • Sony DVD DVD audio Blue Ray player
    I have some DVD Audio discs that sound OK on it.

Comments 3

Well, at least the Tour is on.


Best sounding hifi per dollar? Looks like a bunch of Schitt to me! :D Sorry just kidding obviously and congrats on a good solid high value system.


Let's see pics of the rest of the room.


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