
12 X 18 living room is in line with, and separated from, 12 X 12 dining room by a half wall and is and partially open on one side by a 10 X10 entry. The floor-plan is not at all accommodating regarding the hobby. Music has always been very important to me but unfortunately, I was totally clueless about audio when we built the house. Attempting to achieve better than mid-fi SQ while being constrained by furniture placement to monitors in a relatively large space without subs or room treatment is challenging. Note, when photos were taken, I was still using Wells integrated and Moon transport. Need to update.

System is in an interim phase. Waiting till I can afford next upgrade which will include new speakers, new sofas with lower arms and new external DAC. 

Room Details

Dimensions: 17’ × 17’  Medium
Ceiling: 10’

Components Toggle details

    • Synergistic Research Atmosphere SX Euphoria
    Digital coax (BNC)
    • VooDooCables Vision
    Vison Power and digital Power cords
    • Symposium Acoustics Rollerblock Jr. footers
    Under Hegel
    • Goldensound DH Cones
    Under transport
    • Silverline Audio SR 17.5 monitor
    • Audio Art Cable SC-5SE speaker
    Audio art speaker cable.
    • Target HR Series
    Sand filled, with Herbie's Gliders, resting on concrete pavers on wood floor.
    • Jay's Audio CDT2MKIII
    On Symposium Svelte Plus shelf. Footers are DH Golden Sound cones, squares.
    • Symposium Acoustics Svelte Plus Platform
    • Hegel H390
    On Symposium Svelte plus shelf. I've tried various footers, with mixed results.

    These Pics are old -- show previous Wells integrated. 

Comments 14


That's a Green and Green creation, right?  We have a book with many photos of their work. I'd love to see it in person. I don't know if anyone can afford such lavish use of wood, at this point but it makes for gorgeous living spaces. 


Hey fellas, if you haven't yet taken a tour of The Gamble House in Pasadena California, the next time you're in SoCal do so. It's astounding!


Thanks, guys. I only wish I'd been into audio when it was built!


Ain't it the truth @noromance?!


Lovely Arts & Crafts home.



Sorry -- just saw your question.  what I've read is that alan Yun voices them using Pass Gear. I'd say they sound best to me with a warm sounding amp. 
I'd keep in mind the fact that the Supremes are more resolving than the 17.5's.


Thanks, Tvad. We're very happy with it, as a living space, Unfortunately, I wasn't into audio when we built it, so I'm very constrained when it comes to speaker size/location. I plan to replace current sofas with others that have much lower arms. Hopefully, less obstruction in front of drivers will help somewhat.


Lovely Craftsman home. I’m envious.


How do you like the speakers? I’m going to look at a pair of the 17 supremes.


I am looking forward to the upgrade(s) in 2024.

Happy Listening!


Thanks, Jafant.

I'll post more pics of gear once I get my current sibilance issue worked out, which may involve swapping out a component.



A beautiful room and system- Stuartk

Happy Listening!


Thanks! I need to get some current pics of gear up. I'm in the middle of a troubleshooting process so things are currently a bit unsettled. Hopefully, this will be resolved soon.


that house is beautiful!


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