
I have always been wanted to build a nice system. Finally, last month I bit the bullet and I bought the Sony S9000es, B&W N805, and Mcintosh MC2155 in one shot. The Parasound Preamp was something I bought on Ebay as a starting point. I read a few reviews and thought it was great value. My system sounds awesome. I haven't had much time to do any tweaking because of business. To compliment my system I have a Lovan Rack, Cardas Cuboids, and various isolation cones. My first upgrades will be in the area of Power Cords. I hope that you guys can give me some insight into this realm of Hifi audio. I don't really wanna spend a small fortune on PC's. I have looked at a couple of DIY designs like VHaudio. I have also looked at the entry level Nordost offerings. My budget is around $150-$200usd. Also if any of you have any opinions on my overall system please feel free. After the PC's I would like to upgrade my Preamp. I have two in mind: The Rogue Audio Metis Tube Preamp ($995 Retail) and the Prima Luna Prologue Three Tube Preamp ($1395 Retail). The reason I want to try a tube Preamp is to improve the highs. Is this the right idea? I have to base my decision on your help as no local dealers carry either. The most amazing this I have realized since my big upgrades is, redbooks cds I originally thought were great recordings really suck. =) I guess this is what audiophiles mean by "more revealing". Better systems do reveal bad recordings.

Components Toggle details

    • Parasound PHP-850
    Got a good deal on this brand new off Ebay. Sounds pretty good for now.
    • Sony DVP-S9000es
    I finally decided on this. In my opinion the best value in 2-channel Redbood/Sacd.
    • McIntosh MC-2155
    I was running a Parasound HCA-1000A before this. Picked this up from my friend at a good price so we'll see.
    • B&W Nautilus 805
    Finally got what I wanted!!!
    • Harmonic Technology Precision Link
    Pretty good Value for what you are getting. I love the Furutech plugs.
    • MIT Terminator 4
    Got a good deal on these too!!!
    • Onkyo CP-1057f
    Dunno where it came from but it's gonna have to do for now. New cartridge coming tomorrow!!!
    • DIY Audio Asylum Audio Asylum
    I got the materials from Take Five Audio. Took me about 2hrs to make both of them. Consists of: Belden 19364 Cable Pass and Seymour 5266XHG Marinco 320i Techflex

Comments 18

Just reconstructed my system. Don't have a wall behind the speakers anymore so not as much base. I will post pics up.


Updated some pictures. I finally finished the DIY pc's and they look great. I haven't had time to burn them in yet though. I will probably just plug them in to my two computers for a week or two. Tell me what you think.


I just got a package from Take Five Audio. Their service and shipping is top notch. I got enough material for two Asylum type power cables. I am gonna work on them tonigh. I will post pictures once I am done.

Do you guys think I should run them in my system right away? Or have them plugged into my computer and cooked for a week?


About the power cords, consider trying Audio Horizons. They have a free trial program which you may find attractive. Also, at the risk of tempting you to test your budget, Audio Horizons makes an excellent preamp which has an upgrade path. Again, there is a free trial program. I own the preamp. In various posts, other A'goners have remarked on the outstanding performance of the Audio Horizons preamp.


System edited: I just realized I had an old turntable in my garage. I think it was my dads...haha. SCORE!!! I hooked it up but it sounds really staticy. I think it might be the cartridge. Gonna take it to my local HIFI store and see what he says. If I can get away with it, just gonna buy a cheapo cartridge first. Save up for something better!!!


I finally went ahead and ordered 10ft of cryo treated Belden 19364 to make two powercords. I am gonna try the Audioasylum diy cords first. I got Pass and Seymour 5266XHG wall plug and Marinco 320 IEC. Can't beat the price I guess. I will get something better as budget permits...getting married and wanna buy another house. Also gotta get an old turntable running. It needs a new cartridge so there goes my PC budget. Thanks for the advice anyways.


Check out this site for power cords, I have one on my Classe and one on a tube amp, very pleased with their performance and price. Plus you can not beat his GUARANTEE.


The reason I held off so long was I thought if I got OK equipment right off the bat I would not be so inclined to upgrade know the drill. One thing I do know is not to buy new!!! I saved so much money buying pre-owned.


Before choosing the N805's I listeded to quite a few different standmount speakers. I would love to have floorstanders but I have room and budget restrictions. I listened to the following.
B&W DM602S3: Awesome value for the money w/deep bass.
B&W 705: 90 percent of the 805 performance but don't look as cool.
Paradigm Studio 20: great all around but didn't like the finishing.
In respects to sound quality, I never thought that there could be so much difference in speakers at different price points. I wanted to stay under a $1000cdn. and was pretty close to doing it. I had actually settled on the DM602S3's but as soon as I heard the N805's in my system I was sold. If you read the original review in Stereophile back in 1999 it will give you an insight in to a pro's perspective of the speakers.

Thanks!!! However, I have already been bit by the upgrade bug. My powercables are on the way and i have recently been looking at speakers. I wish I could afford a pair of N804's. I wonder if the Monitor Audio Silver RS6's would be an upgrade or a downgrade.


Ha, ha, took the plunge and we've got you now, and there's no getting out. Look at yourself, you've just gotten the system put together and you are already plotting upgrades. You're hooked, this will be the best addiction you'll ever have. Welcome, and enjoy the journey, it never ends!


Pretty impressive for a first real system. Dang! Very nice!


Just wondering what else have you listened too other than your 805's. I am thinking of getting a pair and would like some insight into their sound quality.


Thanks...finally some responses. I though you guys weren't interested...=) I will order the cable and connectors tomorrow morning. Maybe I should opt for overnight shipping, then I have something to do this weekend.


Welcome to the hobby. You have made some very good choices in equipment. Enjoy.


Update: I am gonna give the Audio Asylum design a try. I have heard that the performance is pretty good. I will be using a different plug format though. I am gonna use the Pass and Seymour 5266XHG (Hospital Grade) and a Wattgate 320i IEC. I figure these pc's should give me a good upgrade for now until I can afford the Shunyata cords. I will let you guys know how it works out.


The harmonic tech cables are some of the best value in high end audio. I use a mixture of nordost blue haven from my CD player to my pre-amp, and Harmonic tech for the power cords. These above cables a frquently listed on A-Gon used, which is the way to go on cables. I use a Audible Illusions-3 pre-Amp which I am fond of. the only drawback I have with this unit is that the power supply is hard wired instead of a detatchable cord. If you can get over this this pre-amp is a good preformer. Uses the popular 6922/6DJ8 tube in phono & line stage which you can find some good NOS Tunsgram, Ampex, Siemens tubes.


Thanks for the information. I will look into those cables.


Good choice on the Rogue pre. I would also consider a used Rogue 66. For powercords and IC's I highly reccommend Audio Horizons Transparency. I use this wire throughout my system and it has transformed the sound in such a positive way.

Josepth Chow is the designer. In your price range also.


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